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9 November 2022 - 10 November 2022
Rome, Italy
Space Week 2022

SPACE Week 2022 Conference Proceedings 

For those who wish, the proceedings of the event are available online by clicking in the links below, where you can view the presentations of the participants and plenary conference speakers.

DAY 1 – 09 November 2022

Welcome Session

SESSION 1: Horizon Europe structure and Space opportunities in 2023-2024

SESSION 2: Horizon Europe new challenges and support


DAY 2 – 10 November 2022

SESSION 3: The European Copernicus Programme

SESSION 4: Space Programme, European Defence Fund and CASSINI

SESSION 5: CASSINI hackathon and mentoring


(RE)WATCH THE TWO DAYS OF THE SPACE WEEK 2022 – plenary session:




Closed since 6 November 2022
Location Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Viale del Politecnico snc, Roma
Organised by
Participants 267
Meetings 98
Italy 379
Luxembourg 6
Romania 5
Spain 5
France 5
Belgium 3
Türkiye 3
United States 2
Switzerland 2
Hungary 2
Czech Republic 2
Ukraine 2
Poland 2
Sweden 1
Greece 1
Portugal 1
Total 421
SME 117
R&D Institution 70
Large industry 63
University 61
Other 47
Authority/Government 34
Association/Agency 29
Total 421